Customer Health Score Calculator & Formula

Customer Health Score Calculator


Customer Health Score Formula

Customer Health Score = (Engagement Score + Satisfaction Score + Retention Likelihood) ÷ 3


The Customer Health Score Calculator assigns a health score to customers based on their engagement, satisfaction, and likelihood of retention. The score helps businesses identify which customers are doing well and which may need attention.

Real-Life Example

Suppose a customer has an engagement score of 8, a satisfaction score of 7, and a retention likelihood of 80%. Using the formula, the Customer Health Score can be calculated as:

Customer Health Score = (8 + 7 + 80) ÷ 3 = 31.67%

This score indicates a healthy customer, with good engagement, satisfaction, and retention likelihood.

Benchmark Indicators

Understanding your customers’ health scores helps you assess their loyalty and identify opportunities for retention:

  • Above 75%: Healthy customers, low risk of churn.
  • 50% – 75%: Moderate health, some areas for improvement.
  • 25% – 50%: Low health, requires intervention.
  • Below 25%: Critical health, high risk of churn.
Below 25%: Critical customer health.
25% – 50%: Low customer health.
50% – 75%: Moderate customer health.
Above 75%: Healthy customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Customer Health Score?

The Customer Health Score is a metric that combines customer engagement, satisfaction, and likelihood of retention into a single score. It helps businesses assess the overall health of their customers and identify those at risk of churn.

Why is the Customer Health Score important?

Customer Health Scores are important because they help businesses monitor customer relationships, proactively manage potential churn, and focus on improving the experience for at-risk customers.

How can I improve a customer's health score?

Improving a customer’s health score can be achieved by enhancing engagement through personalized interactions, improving customer support, offering loyalty programs, and addressing specific concerns through feedback mechanisms.

What factors influence customer health scores?

Customer health scores are influenced by a customer’s engagement with your brand, their satisfaction with your products or services, and their likelihood of retention based on behavior and feedback.

What is a good customer health score?

A good customer health score is above 75%, indicating a strong, healthy relationship. Scores between 50% and 75% indicate moderate health, while scores below 50% suggest potential issues that need addressing.

Can customer health scores change over time?

Yes, customer health scores can change based on customer interactions, satisfaction levels, and engagement. Regular monitoring helps businesses respond proactively to changes in customer health.