Behavioral Targeting Term Meaning

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Behavioral Targeting is a marketing strategy that uses data collected about an individual’s online behavior, such as pages visited, searches conducted, and products viewed, to deliver personalized advertisements and content.

Detailed Explanation

Behavioral Targeting involves tracking and analyzing users’ online activities to understand their interests, preferences, and buying behaviors. This data is then used to create more relevant and personalized marketing messages, which can be delivered through various channels, including display ads, social media, email marketing, and more. The goal of Behavioral Targeting is to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by ensuring that the right message reaches the right person at the right time. It enhances user experience by providing content and offers that are more likely to be of interest to the individual, thereby increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Key Points

  • What it is: A marketing strategy that uses data about individuals’ online behavior to deliver personalized advertisements and content.
  • Why it matters: Improves the relevance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns by targeting users with personalized messages based on their interests and behaviors.
  • How to use it: Track and analyze users’ online activities, and use this data to create and deliver personalized marketing messages through various channels.


  1. Retargeting Ads: A user visits an online store and views a product but does not make a purchase. Later, they see ads for that product on other websites they visit, encouraging them to return and complete the purchase.
  2. Email Marketing: An e-commerce site sends personalized email recommendations based on a user’s past purchases and browsing history, suggesting products they are likely to be interested in.

Related Terms

  • Retargeting
  • Personalization
  • Data Analytics
  • Customer Segmentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Behavioral Targeting improve marketing effectiveness?

Behavioral Targeting improves marketing effectiveness by delivering personalized and relevant messages to users based on their online behavior, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

What types of data are used in Behavioral Targeting?

Behavioral Targeting uses data such as pages visited, searches conducted, products viewed, time spent on a site, clicks, and purchase history to understand users’ interests and preferences.

Is Behavioral Targeting privacy-friendly?

Behavioral Targeting can be privacy-friendly if it complies with data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, and if users are informed about data collection practices and given the option to opt out.