Multi-Touch Attribution Percentage Calculator & Formula

Multi-Touch Attribution Calculator

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Multi-Touch Attribution Formula

Contribution per Touchpoint = Total Revenue Number of Touchpoints


Multi-Touch Attribution using an even split model distributes the total revenue generated equally across all marketing touchpoints involved in the customer journey. This approach helps in understanding the contribution of each touchpoint to the overall conversions and revenue.

Real-Life Example

Let’s say you have:

  • Invested in a marketing campaign that generated $20,000 in total revenue.
  • Total conversions from the campaign amount to 800.
  • There were 4 marketing touchpoints involved in the customer journey.

To calculate the Contribution per Touchpoint, you would use the formula:

Contribution per Touchpoint = Total Revenue / Number of Touchpoints

Substitute the values into the formula:

Contribution per Touchpoint = $20,000 / 4 = $5,000

This means each touchpoint is credited with generating $5,000 of the total revenue.

Benchmark Indicators

Understanding benchmark indicators is crucial for evaluating the efficiency of your multi-touch attribution model across different marketing channels. Here are some typical examples:

  • Email Marketing: Contribution per touchpoint typically ranges from 5% to 15%.
  • Social Media: Contribution per touchpoint typically ranges from 10% to 20%.
  • Paid Search: Contribution per touchpoint typically ranges from 15% to 25%.
  • Display Ads: Contribution per touchpoint typically ranges from 5% to 10%.
0% – 25%: Low contribution, potential for improvement.
25% – 50%: Moderate contribution, acceptable range.
50% – 75%: High contribution, indicates strong performance.
75% and above: Excellent contribution, very effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Multi-Touch Attribution?

Multi-Touch Attribution is a model that distributes credit for a conversion across multiple touchpoints in a customer's journey, providing a more accurate measure of the effectiveness of different marketing channels.

Why is Multi-Touch Attribution important?

Multi-Touch Attribution is important because it gives a comprehensive view of how different marketing channels work together to drive conversions, helping marketers optimize their strategies and budget allocation.

How can I implement Multi-Touch Attribution?

Implementing Multi-Touch Attribution involves tracking all marketing touchpoints, assigning value to each touchpoint based on its contribution to conversions, and using attribution models to analyze the data.

What are the benefits of using Multi-Touch Attribution?

The benefits of using Multi-Touch Attribution include a better understanding of the customer journey, improved marketing ROI, optimized marketing strategies, and more informed decision-making.

What is the equal distribution attribution model?

The equal distribution attribution model assigns equal credit to all touchpoints involved in a customer's journey, providing a simple and fair way to measure the contribution of each channel.

How does the equal distribution model calculate contributions?

The equal distribution model calculates contributions by dividing the total revenue generated by the number of touchpoints, giving each touchpoint an equal share of the credit for the conversion.

Can Multi-Touch Attribution fluctuate over time?

Yes, Multi-Touch Attribution can fluctuate due to changes in customer behavior, market conditions, and the effectiveness of different marketing channels. Regular monitoring and adjustment are necessary to maintain accurate attribution.