Exercise Calorie Burn Calculator & Formula

Exercise Calorie Burn Calculator

Calories Burned: Not Calculated Yet

The Exercise Calorie Burn Calculator helps you estimate the number of calories burned during various physical activities based on your weight, exercise type, intensity, and duration. This tool is perfect for tracking your fitness progress and planning effective workout routines.

Exercise Calorie Burn Formula

The calculator uses the following formula:

  • Calories Burned = MET Value ⁢×⁢ Weight (kg) ⁢×⁢ Duration (Hours)

The result is expressed in kilocalories (kcal), which measures the energy expended during exercise.

Why Use This Calculator?

This calculator is perfect for:

  • Tracking Progress: Monitor your calorie burn to achieve fitness goals.
  • Customizing Workouts: Adjust exercise types and intensity for maximum effectiveness.
  • Understanding Effort: Compare calorie burn across different activities and intensity levels.

Real-Life Example

Let’s calculate the calories burned during a workout:

  • Weight: 70 kg
  • Exercise Type: Running
  • Intensity Level: Moderate
  • Duration: 45 minutes

Step 1: Apply the formula:

Calories Burned = 9.8 ⁢×⁢ 70 ⁢×⁢ 45 60 = 514.5 ⁢kcal

Result: Running at a moderate intensity burns approximately 514.5 kcal in 45 minutes.

Benchmark Indicators

Here are typical calorie burn rates for common activities:

Low Calorie Burn: Below 300 kcal/hour. Indicates low-intensity activities such as walking or light stretching.

Moderate Calorie Burn: Between 300–600 kcal/hour. Reflects moderate-intensity activities such as jogging or cycling.

High Calorie Burn: Above 600 kcal/hour. Typical of high-intensity activities such as running or swimming.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a MET value?

A MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) is a measure of energy expenditure for different activities. One MET represents the energy used at rest.

Why does intensity affect calorie burn?

Higher intensity activities require more energy, increasing the MET value and calorie burn.

How accurate is this calculator?

The calculator provides estimates based on average MET values. Individual factors such as fitness level and exercise form can affect actual calorie burn.

Can I use this calculator for strength training?

Yes, the calculator includes MET values for strength training. Select the appropriate intensity level for accurate estimates.