AB Testing Significance Calculator & Formula

AB Testing Significance Calculator

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AB Testing Significance Formula

z = ( p B p A ) ( p A ( 1 p A ) / n A ) + ( p B ( 1 p B ) / n B )


  • pA is the conversion rate of A
  • pB is the conversion rate of B
  • nA is the sample size of A
  • nB is the sample size of B
  • z is the z-score


A/B testing is a method to compare two versions (A and B) of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better. The statistical significance of the results helps determine whether the observed difference is likely due to chance or a real effect.

Real-Life Example

Let’s say you run an A/B test with the following results:

Conversion Rate A: 10% with a sample size of 1,000

Conversion Rate B: 12% with a sample size of 1,000

To calculate the significance:

Step 1: Calculate the pooled standard deviation (SD)

Step 2: Calculate the z-score

Step 3: Use the z-score to find the p-value

Assuming the p-value indicates a significance level of 95%, the test results are considered statistically significant, meaning the observed difference is likely due to a real effect rather than chance.

Benchmark Indicators

Understanding significance benchmarks helps evaluate the reliability of your A/B test results. Here are some typical examples:

  • Low Significance: 0% – 50%, not reliable.
  • Moderate Significance: 50% – 75%, somewhat reliable.
  • High Significance: 75% – 90%, reliable.
  • Very High Significance: Above 90%, highly reliable.
0% – 50%: Low Significance, not reliable.
50% – 75%: Moderate Significance, somewhat reliable.
75% – 90%: High Significance, reliable.
Above 90%: Very High Significance, highly reliable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is A/B Testing?

A/B Testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which one performs better. It involves splitting traffic between two variations and measuring their performance to find the better option.

Why is A/B Testing important?

A/B Testing is important because it provides data-driven insights to improve user experience, increase conversions, and optimize overall performance by identifying the most effective variations of your website or app.

How do I interpret A/B Test results?

Interpreting A/B Test results involves analyzing conversion rates, sample sizes, and statistical significance. If the test results show a statistically significant difference, it means the observed change is likely due to the variation and not by chance.

What is statistical significance in A/B Testing?

Statistical significance in A/B Testing indicates that the results observed are likely not due to random chance. It helps determine the reliability of the test results and whether the variation had a real impact on performance.

How can I improve my A/B Test significance?

Improving A/B Test significance can be achieved by increasing the sample size, running tests for a longer period, ensuring consistent traffic distribution, and testing more impactful changes to observe a clearer difference in performance.

What factors influence A/B Test significance?

Factors influencing A/B Test significance include sample size, conversion rate differences, variability in traffic and behavior, test duration, and the magnitude of changes being tested.