Conversion Rate Calculator & Formula

Conversion Rate Calculator

The conversion rate calculator helps you evaluate how effectively your website or marketing campaigns convert visitors into customers. It provides a simple and quick way to analyze the effectiveness of your efforts in turning traffic into tangible results.

Conversion Rate Formula

The formula to calculate conversion rate is:

Conversion Rate = Conversions Total Visitors × 100


  • Conversions: The number of successful actions, such as purchases or signups.
  • Total Visitors: The total number of people who visited your website or viewed your campaign.

Real-Life Example

Suppose your website had the following data:

  • Total Visitors: 2,000
  • Conversions: 100

Step 1: Apply the formula:

Conversion Rate = (Conversions / Total Visitors) × 100

Conversion Rate = (100 / 2,000) × 100 = 5%

In this example, the conversion rate is 5%.

Benchmark Indicators

Typical conversion rates vary based on industry, platform, and goals. Here are some benchmarks:

High: Above 10% – Exceptional for niche or targeted campaigns

Average: 2% – 5% – Common for many industries

Low: Below 2% – May indicate room for improvement

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good conversion rate?

A good conversion rate varies by industry but typically falls between 2% and 5%. Rates above 10% are considered excellent and usually result from highly targeted strategies.

How can I improve my conversion rate?

You can improve your conversion rate by optimizing website usability, creating compelling calls-to-action, targeting the right audience, and providing clear value propositions.

What factors affect conversion rates?

Factors include website design, audience relevance, product value, pricing, and external influences like competition and market trends.

Can I calculate conversion rates for different campaigns?

Yes, you can use the same formula for individual campaigns by replacing total visitors and conversions with specific campaign data.