Customer Sentiment Analysis Calculator & Formula

Customer Sentiment Analysis Calculator


Customer Sentiment Score Formula

Sentiment Score = (Number of Positive Feedbacks – Number of Negative Feedbacks) ÷ (Total Feedback) × 100


The Customer Sentiment Analysis Calculator evaluates the sentiment of customer feedback and measures its impact on brand perception. The calculator uses the total number of positive, neutral, and negative feedback to generate a sentiment score, which reflects overall customer sentiment.

Real-Life Example

Suppose your brand has received 200 positive feedbacks, 50 neutral feedbacks, and 30 negative feedbacks. Using the formula, the Customer Sentiment Score can be calculated as:

Sentiment Score = (200 – 30) ÷ (200 + 50 + 30) × 100 = 68.57%

This score suggests that overall customer sentiment is moderately positive.

Benchmark Indicators

Understanding customer sentiment helps assess the impact of feedback on your brand’s reputation. Here are common benchmarks:

  • Above 75%: Highly positive sentiment, excellent brand perception.
  • 50% – 75%: Moderately positive sentiment, good brand perception.
  • 25% – 50%: Neutral or mixed sentiment, brand perception needs improvement.
  • Below 25%: Negative sentiment, significant brand perception issues.
Below 25%: Negative sentiment, critical issues.
25% – 50%: Neutral or mixed sentiment.
50% – 75%: Moderately positive sentiment.
Above 75%: Highly positive sentiment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Customer Sentiment Analysis Calculator?

The Customer Sentiment Analysis Calculator evaluates the sentiment of customer feedback and measures its impact on brand perception. It calculates the sentiment score based on the number of positive, neutral, and negative feedback.

Why is customer sentiment important?

Customer sentiment is crucial because it directly reflects how customers feel about your brand, products, and services. Understanding sentiment helps businesses address concerns, improve customer experience, and enhance brand perception.

How can I improve customer sentiment?

Improving customer sentiment can be achieved by actively addressing negative feedback, improving product quality and customer service, engaging with customers regularly, and ensuring positive experiences throughout the customer journey.

What factors influence customer sentiment?

Factors that influence customer sentiment include the quality of products or services, customer support experiences, pricing, brand values, and the consistency of positive interactions with the brand.

What is a good customer sentiment score?

A good customer sentiment score is above 75%, indicating highly positive sentiment and excellent brand perception. Scores between 50% and 75% suggest moderate sentiment, while scores below 50% may require attention to improve brand perception.

Can customer sentiment change over time?

Yes, customer sentiment can change over time based on product improvements, customer service quality, and brand initiatives. Regular monitoring of sentiment allows businesses to adapt and respond to changes effectively.