Mastering Google Looker Studio: Essential Features and Best Practices

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Google Looker Studio is one such tool that stands out in the among the most popular data analytics and business intelligence stack. It offers robust features that allow users to create comprehensive and visually appealing reports and dashboards. This introduction will provide an overview of Google Looker Studio, highlight the importance of utilizing it for data analytics, and delve into the specifics of scheduling reports within the platform.

Overview of Google Looker Studio

Google Looker Studio is a cloud-based business intelligence platform that enables organizations to explore, analyze, and share real-time business analytics with ease. It is part of Google’s suite of data and analytics tools and integrates seamlessly with other Google services such as BigQuery, Google Analytics, and Google Cloud Storage, as well as numerous third-party data sources. Looker Studio is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from data analysts and business intelligence professionals to non-technical users who need to derive insights from data.

One of the standout features of Looker Studio is its ability to create custom dashboards and reports. Users can build interactive visualizations using a variety of chart types, tables, and filters. These visualizations can be tailored to display key performance indicators (KPIs), track metrics over time, and highlight important trends. The platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise, ensuring that even those with limited coding knowledge can create powerful data visualizations.

Moreover, Looker Studio supports real-time data exploration and ad-hoc querying, allowing users to dive deep into their data to uncover insights quickly. The platform’s robust modeling layer enables users to define complex data relationships and calculations, making it possible to create advanced analytics models that reflect the unique needs of their business.

Importance of Utilizing Looker Studio for Data Analytics

The importance of utilizing Looker Studio for data analytics cannot be overstated. In an era where data is considered the new oil, having the right tools to extract actionable insights from data is crucial for business success. Looker Studio provides several advantages that make it an indispensable tool for organizations aiming to harness the power of their data.

  1. Centralized Data Management: Looker Studio allows organizations to centralize their data from multiple sources into a single platform. This eliminates the need for disparate data silos and ensures that all stakeholders have access to consistent and up-to-date information. By consolidating data, businesses can improve data governance and make more informed decisions.
  2. Enhanced Data Visualization: The platform’s advanced visualization capabilities enable users to present data in a clear and engaging manner. Visualizations help to simplify complex data sets and make it easier for stakeholders to understand trends and patterns. This is particularly important for communicating insights to non-technical audiences, such as executives and business managers.
  3. Real-Time Analytics: With Looker Studio, users can access real-time data, allowing them to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions on the fly. Real-time analytics is essential for staying competitive in fast-paced industries where timely information can provide a strategic advantage.
  4. Collaboration and Sharing: Looker Studio facilitates collaboration by enabling users to share reports and dashboards with colleagues and clients. Shared reports can be accessed online, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. The platform’s integration with Google Workspace further enhances collaboration, allowing users to embed reports in Google Sheets, Slides, and other applications.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Looker Studio is designed to scale with the needs of growing businesses. It can handle large volumes of data and complex analytics workflows, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes. The platform’s flexibility allows users to customize their analytics environment to meet specific business requirements.

Scheduling Email Reports in Looker Studio

One of the key features that make Looker Studio a powerful tool for data analytics is the ability to schedulePDF email reports. Scheduling reports ensures that stakeholders receive timely updates on important metrics without the need for manual intervention. This feature is particularly useful for routine reporting tasks, such as weekly performance summaries, monthly marketing reviews, and daily operational dashboards.

Scheduling reports in Looker Studio is a straightforward process. Users can define the frequency and timing of report delivery, specify recipients, and choose the format in which the reports will be sent.

To schedule a report in Looker Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Create or Select a Report: Begin by creating a new report or selecting an existing one that you want to schedule. Ensure that the report contains all the necessary data visualizations and filters.
  2. Configure Scheduling Settings: Access the scheduling settings from the report main upper menu. Click on Share > Schedule Delivery.Looker Studio Delivery Schedule
  3. Add Recipients: Enter the email addresses of the recipients who should receive the report. You can add multiple recipients, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are included. You can customize the email subject and add a custom messageLooker Studio Email Delivery Settings
  4. Choose Report Pages: You can choose the pages that you want your recipients to recieve, or send all the pages visible on the dashboard.
  5. Choose Delivery Cadence: Define the schedule by specifying the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) and the exact time for the report to be generated and delivered.
  6. Set Filters: You can set up filters to be applied for the report schedule using any of the visible filters on each of the pagesLooker Studio Report Schedule Filters
  7. Review and Save: Review the scheduling settings to ensure that everything is configured correctly. A good practice is to send yourself a copy by using the “Send now” feature. Save the schedule, and Looker Studio will automatically generate and deliver the report according to the specified settings.

By leveraging the scheduling feature in Looker Studio, organizations can streamline their reporting processes, reduce manual effort, and ensure that critical information is delivered consistently and accurately. This not only enhances productivity but also enables stakeholders to stay informed and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Downloading Data from Looker Studio

Looker Studio provides a convenient way to download reports, allowing users to share insights easily and maintain offline records. Here are the steps and options available for downloading data from Looker Studio.

How to Download Looker Studio Data

Options Download Google Looker Studio ReportFormats and Options

  • PDF Format: Looker Studio data can be downloaded only as a PDF. Eventhough this format is widely used for sharing and printing reports especially with business stakeholders, it is not possibile to download CSV or XLS extractions with Google Looker Studio.
  • Page Selection: You have the option to download all pages or select specific pages from the report.
  • Additional Options:
    • Ignore Custom Background Color: This option helps in maintaining readability and print quality by ignoring custom background colors.
    • Add a Link Back to the Report: Embedding a link back to the report ensures that recipients can easily access the live report for the most up-to-date information.
    • Password Protect Report: For added security, you can password protect the downloaded report to restrict unauthorized access.

Instructions for Downloading

Method 1: Using the Drop-Down Arrow Near the Share Button

  1. Open your Looker Studio report.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Share button in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Download from the menu.
  4. Choose the desired options (e.g., all pages or specific pages, additional options like ignoring custom background colors).
  5. Click Download to save the report as a PDF.

Method 2: Inserting a Download Button on the Dashboard

  1. Open your Looker Studio report in edit mode.
  2. Insert a button on the dashboard by selecting the Button tool from the toolbar.
  3. Place the button in your desired location on the report.
  4. In the button’s properties, set the Button Action Type to Report Actions.
  5. Configure the action to Download Report.
  6. Customize the button’s appearance and label as needed.
  7. Save the report. Users can now click this button to download the report directly from the dashboard.

Preventing Unauthorized Copies of Dashboards

Importance of Maintaining Data Security

Maintaining data security is crucial for any organization. Ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access and distribution helps prevent data breaches, intellectual property theft, and other security risks. In the context of Looker Studio, controlling who can download, print, or copy dashboards is essential to safeguarding your data and maintaining its integrity.

How to Limit Report Copying and Restrict Features

To restrict users from copying dashboards and prevent them from downloading and printing, follow these steps:

  1. Open Your Looker Studio Report:
    • Navigate to the report you want to secure in Looker Studio.
  2. Access the Sharing Settings:
    • Click on the Share button located in the top-right corner of the report interface.
  3. Configure Permissions:
    • In the sharing settings dialog, click on the gear icon (⚙) in the top-right corner of the window.
  4. Disable Downloading, Printing, and Copying:
    • In the permissions settings, flag the option Disable downloading, printing, and copying for viewers.

By enabling this option, you can ensure that viewers cannot download, print, or make copies of the report, thereby maintaining better control over your data. This step is crucial for preventing unauthorized distribution of sensitive information and maintaining the security and confidentiality of your data assets.

Managing Users in Looker Studio

Effective user management in Looker Studio ensures that the right people have access to the right data, enhancing collaboration while maintaining data security. Here’s a guide on how to add, remove, and manage users, followed by best practices for user management.

How to Add, Remove, and Manage Users

Adding Users:

  1. Open the Report:
    • Navigate to the Looker Studio report you want to manage.
  2. Access the Sharing Settings:
    • Click on the Share button in the top-right corner of the report interface.
  3. Add Users:
    • In the sharing settings dialog, enter the email addresses of the users you want to add in the “Add people” field.
    • Select the appropriate permission level (Viewer, Editor, etc.) for each user.
    • Click Send to invite the users. They will receive an email notification with access to the report.

Removing Users:

  1. Open the Report:
    • Navigate to the Looker Studio report.
  2. Access the Sharing Settings:
    • Click on the Share button in the top-right corner of the report interface.
  3. Manage Permissions:
    • In the sharing settings dialog, find the list of current users with access to the report.
    • Click on the drop-down arrow next to the user you want to remove.
    • Select Remove to revoke their access.

Managing Users:

  1. Open the Report:
    • Navigate to the Looker Studio report.
  2. Access the Sharing Settings:
    • Click on the Share button in the top-right corner of the report interface.
  3. Update Permissions:
    • In the sharing settings dialog, adjust the permissions for existing users as needed.
    • You can change a user’s role from Viewer to Editor or vice versa by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu next to their name.

Handling Data Credentials and Dashboard Handover

Managing data credentials and securely handing over dashboards in Looker Studio is essential for maintaining data integrity and continuity when transitioning responsibilities within your team or organization. This guide will walk you through the process of handling data credentials and performing a secure dashboard handover.

Managing Data Credentials in Looker Studio

  1. Access Data Source Settings:
    • Open your Looker Studio report and navigate to the Resources menu.
    • Select Manage added data sources from the dropdown menu.
  2. Update Data Credentials:
    • In the data sources list, find the data source you need to update.
    • Click on the Edit button (pencil icon) next to the data source.
    • Update the credentials as needed, ensuring that the new credentials have the necessary permissions to access the data.
  3. Set Credentials Sharing Settings:
    • Within the data source settings, ensure that the correct credentials are used for data access.
    • Looker Studio offers two options for credentials: Owner’s credentials and Viewer’s credentials.
      • Owner’s credentials: Use this option to allow data access based on the data source owner’s permissions.
      • Viewer’s credentials: Use this option to require each viewer to have their own access credentials.
  4. Test Data Access:
    • After updating the credentials, test the data source to ensure that the data loads correctly and that all visualizations in the report are functioning as expected.

Handover Dashboard Securely

  1. Review Dashboard and Data Sources:
    • Before handing over the dashboard, review all components, including data sources, visualizations, and filters, to ensure they are correctly configured and functioning.
  2. Share the Dashboard:
    • Click on the Share button in the top-right corner of the report interface.
    • Add the new owner’s email address in the “Add people” field, assigning them the appropriate permission level (typically Editor or Owner).
    • Inform the new owner of the handover and provide any necessary context or instructions regarding the dashboard’s use.
  3. Transfer Ownership (if applicable):
    • If you need to transfer full ownership of the report, click on the Share button and then select Manage access.
    • Find the new owner in the list of users, click the drop-down arrow next to their name, and select Make owner.
    • Confirm the ownership transfer.
  4. Document the Handover:
    • Provide detailed documentation that includes:
      • An overview of the dashboard’s purpose and key metrics.
      • Instructions on how to access and update data sources.
      • Any specific settings or configurations that the new owner needs to be aware of.
    • Share this documentation with the new owner to ensure a smooth transition.
  5. Communicate with the New Owner:
    • Arrange a handover meeting or call with the new owner to walk them through the dashboard and answer any questions they might have.
    • Ensure they understand how to manage data credentials, update the report, and troubleshoot common issues.
  6. Monitor the Transition:
    • After the handover, monitor the transition period to ensure that the new owner is comfortable with the dashboard and can manage it effectively.
    • Be available to provide support and address any issues that may arise during this time.

By following these steps, you can ensure that data credentials are handled securely and that dashboards are handed over smoothly, maintaining data integrity and continuity within your organization.


Google Looker Studio is an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to harness the power of their data through comprehensive reporting and insightful analytics. By leveraging its features, such as scheduling reports, downloading data, preventing unauthorized copies, managing users, and securely handling data credentials and dashboard handovers, businesses can streamline their data operations and ensure data security.

Effective data management and visualization are crucial for making informed decisions and maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business environment. Looker Studio provides the flexibility and scalability needed to adapt to various data needs, making it a vital component of any data-driven strategy.

As organizations continue to evolve and grow, the ability to manage data efficiently and securely becomes increasingly important. By implementing best practices for user management and data security, and by utilizing the robust features of Looker Studio, businesses can not only enhance their data analytics capabilities but also foster a culture of data-driven decision-making.

In summary, mastering Google Looker Studio empowers organizations to unlock the full potential of their data, driving better insights, improved collaboration, and sustained business success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Google Looker Studio?

Google Looker Studio is a cloud-based business intelligence platform that allows users to explore, analyze, and share real-time business analytics. It integrates seamlessly with various data sources, including Google Analytics, BigQuery, and Google Cloud Storage, enabling users to create custom dashboards and reports.

How can I schedule reports in Looker Studio?

To schedule reports in Looker Studio, open your report, click on the Share button, and select the scheduling settings. Define the frequency and timing for report delivery, specify recipients, and choose the format. This automation ensures timely updates without manual intervention.

How do I download data from Looker Studio?

You can download data from Looker Studio by clicking the drop-down arrow near the Share button and selecting Download. You can choose to download all pages or specific pages and configure additional options like ignoring custom background colors or adding a link back to the report. Alternatively, you can insert a download button on the dashboard itself for easy access.

How can I prevent users from copying, downloading, or printing my Looker Studio dashboards?

To restrict users from copying, downloading, or printing your dashboards, click on the Share button, then click on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the sharing settings dialog. Flag the option “Disable downloading, printing, and copying for viewers” to enhance data security and control access.

How do I add, remove, and manage users in Looker Studio?

To manage users in Looker Studio, click the Share button on your report. To add users, enter their email addresses and assign appropriate permissions. To remove users, access the sharing settings, find the user, and select Remove. You can also update user roles by adjusting permissions in the sharing settings.

What are the best practices for managing users in Looker Studio?

Best practices for managing users in Looker Studio include assigning roles based on need, regularly reviewing access, using groups for large teams, setting expiration dates for temporary access, documenting access policies, and auditing user activity to ensure compliance with data security policies.

How can I handle data credentials and securely hand over a dashboard in Looker Studio?

To handle data credentials, update them in the data source settings and choose between using the owner’s or viewer’s credentials. For a secure dashboard handover, share the dashboard with the new owner, transfer ownership if needed, provide detailed documentation, and communicate with the new owner to ensure a smooth transition.

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